Search Results for "hulking man"


A New Beginning - PDF

A New Beginning
Price: 6.00
(Story: Endeavour, Artwork: Max)

When a gymnastics coach comes in to a former student talking to his current class about a super muscle-building drug, he's less than happy about it! Though imagine his surprise when the much younger (though still very muscled) girl proves her superior strength to the hulking man! Even further, in the following days when some of his young students take this compound, giving them a clear increase in muscle size and strength; which one uses to utterly dominate him, while another uses it for her own sexual pleasures! Incredible artwork by Max on this tale by Miles Endeavour!

gymnastics coach former student current class super muscle-building drug surprise younger muscled girl superior strength hulking man young students compound increase in muscle size increase in strength dominate sexual pleasures incredible artwork Max tale Miles Endeavour

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